The debut novel in the “Berserk of Gluttony” series, authored by Isshiki Ichika and featuring illustrations by Fame, initially hit the Japanese market on November 30, 2017. It was published by Micro Magazine as part of their GC Novels imprint. Subsequently, an English version of the novel, translated by Hengtee Lim, became available in North America on January 5, 2021, thanks to Seven Seas Entertainment’s Airship imprint.

Berserk of Gluttony I
Volume Information
 Volume No. 1
 Release Date November 30, 2017 (Japanese)
January 5, 2021 (English)
 Pages 323 (Japanese)
320 (English)
 Cover(s) Roxy Hart
Fate Graphite
 ISBN 978-4896376722
Volume 2


In a visually captivating dark fantasy tale, a frail young man possesses a formidable but perilous magical ability that could propel him to supreme power.

Fate Graphite finds himself among the forsaken, burdened by a curse known as “Gluttony.” He is in a perpetual state of hunger, his appetite insatiable… until the day he ends the life of a dying thief and consumes not only the man’s strength but also his very soul. This act awakens the true hunger of Fate’s Gluttony, and if he can grasp control over this power, he may finally become the master of his own fate.



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