This marks the second installment in the manga series known as “Berserk of Gluttony” 

Manga Volume 2
 Japanese Title 暴食のベルセルク ~俺だけレベルという概念を突破する~
 Romaji Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~
 Chinese Title 狂怒的暴食 ~只有我突破了等级这概念~
 Korean Title 폭식의 베르세르크 ~나만 레벨이라는 개념을 돌파한다~
 Featured In Cover Roxy Hart
 Pages 159 (Japanese)
180 (English)
 Release Date February 28, 2019 (Japanese)
May 25, 2021 (English)
 ISBN 978-4896378580
 Publishers Micro Magazine
 Previous Volume 1
 Next Volume 3


  • Chapter 6: First Form
  • Chapter 7: A Short Break
  • Chapter 8: The Girl With A Wicked Crest
  • Chapter 9: The Greedy Strike
  • Chapter 10: Parting Road


Fate, wielding the true power of “Gluttony” and the sentient black sword Greed, takes his first steps as a warrior. He becomes a servant under the admired Holy Knight Roxy Hart and leads a dual life, serving the Hart family during the day and hunting to satisfy his hunger for gluttony at night.

As he steadily grows in strength through knight hunts in the Hobgob Forest and kobold hunting on Hart family lands, he eventually gains a reputation among the town’s warriors as the elusive fiendish undead, “Mukuro.” One fateful day, Fate learns that his nemesis, Had of the Brelic family, is heading out to investigate and subdue “Mukuro.” With this knowledge, Fate hatches a plan to lure Had into a trap, seeking revenge.



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