Luna, also known as Runa, is a female character from the light novel series “Berserk of Gluttony.” She served as the central component of a chimera named Chimera Haniel.


 Kanji ルナ
 Rōmaji Runa
 Gender  Female
 Age 4000+
 Hair Color Silver
 Eye Color Red
Personal Information
 Status Deceased
 Web Novel Chapter 49
 Light Novel Volume 2
 Manga Chapter 19


Luna was a young girl, roughly the same age as Myne, with waist-length silver hair and striking red eyes.


She was a talkative girl.


Many centuries Luna became Myne’s friend and later became part of a project that required Myne and Fate to end her life.

Luna and Myne were born at the same laboratory… in the test tubes. They were created from the same base gene. However, each of them were subjected to different kinds of operation. Therefore, despite being genetically identical siblings, they looked different physically.



Myne was Luna’s friend in the past.

Fate Barbatos

Luna acts as a god in Fate.


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