Sasaki and Peeps, an upcoming TV anime based on the series of comic fantasy light novels, has published a new trailer (below) complete with English subtitles for the captions option. The series begins broadcasting in Japan on January 05, 2024, and it will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the winter 2024 anime simulcast lineup.

The original Sasaki and Peeps light novels are written by Buncololi, illustrated by Kantoku, and published in Japan by Media Factory under their MF Bunko J imprint. An English language version is also available from Yen Press. Mirai Minato directs the TV anime at animation studio SILVER LINK..

Read Also: Sasaki and Peeps TV Anime Trailer Teases a World of Adventure

Sasaki and Peeps TV Anime Trailer Teases a World of Adventure
Sasaki and Peeps TV Anime Trailer Teases a World of Adventure

Crunchyroll describes Sasaki and Peeps:

Sasaki is a middle-aged office worker living in Japan. Feeling drained by the vapid corporate world, he heads to the pet shop in search of a new companion. There he finds an adorable bird named Peeps and takes him home. But Sasaki quickly learns that Peeps isn’t your average bird…he’s a powerful mage from another world! Together, they embark on a magical adventure filled with swords and sorcery.

Source: Comic Natalie


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