In the midst of the pyrotechnics and party hopping during New Year’s Day, voice actors Yuma Uchida (Megumi in JUJUTSU KAISEN) and Rina Hidaka (Milim in The Time I was The Reincarnation of a Slime) announced they had got married.

Hidaka said in an official blog post “I am so happy by watching his positivity in the face of work and other difficulties. I’ve been blessed by the roles and projects I’ve worked with and the love I’ve received from so many people. Therefore, I’ll keep working hard and cherish the relationships I’ve created as a voice actor. I appreciate your continued support.”

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The duo, who play in the role of Rakuro along with Emul in the current airing Shangri-La Frontier anime were even felicitated by the official Twitter page.

Source: Oricon


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