“Squirming Gluttony” (Japanese: 蠢く暴食, Ugomeku Boshoku) serves as the second chapter in the manga series “Berserk of Gluttony” and is also featured as the second chapter in Volume 1.

Squirming Gluttony

Chapter 2 Squirming Gluttony
Chapter 2 Squirming Gluttony
 Japanese Title 蠢く暴食
 Romaji Ugomeku Boshoku
 Cover Fate Graphite
 Volume 1
 Pages 23
 Date Released Apr 21, 2018
 New Character Greed
 Previous Chapter Those Without
 Next Chapter The Greedy Black Sword


After finishing my wine, a sense of concern for Roxis overwhelmed me, prompting me to check on her before heading back to my humble dwelling. The encounter with Rafal’s group left me uneasy about her well-being, despite believing that Rafal wouldn’t immediately harass her. Yet, his fearless smile lingered in my mind.

Regardless of my limited ability to offer assistance, I felt compelled to become a sort of meat shield for her, should the need arise. In the moonlit night, I could spot the location of the castle gate where Roxis was on guard duty. To my relief, she seemed to be carrying out her duties diligently.

I found solace in witnessing her dedication, reassuring myself that my worries were unfounded. With a silent wish for her success, I muttered, “[Roxis-sama, please do your best],” in my heart. As I was about to depart, my attention was drawn to a shadow scaling the east wall—a blind spot for Roxis and the other guards.

Instinctively, I sprinted towards Roxis, urgency in my voice as I informed her of the suspicious person infiltrating the castle. After confirming my account, Roxis, without hesitation, decided to investigate. She handed me the spear with the kingdom’s crest, and I wished her luck.

Roxis, armed with a silver-white sword, swiftly disappeared into the darkness, leaving me alone at the gate. Soon, the muffled sounds of combat reached my ears, indicating Roxis engaging with the intruders. I counted the screams, realizing there were at least three thieves attempting to breach the castle.

As the clamor gradually ceased, I assumed Roxis had successfully dealt with the threat. However, my relief was short-lived when an injured man stumbled towards me. His right arm severed, he desperately tried to stem the bleeding, and I recognized him as one of the thieves Roxis had missed.

Instinctively, I readied my spear, acknowledging that even though he was dying, he remained a threat. With a forceful thrust, I pierced the thief’s heart, ensuring he posed no further danger.

To my surprise, as the thief fell, a strange sensation washed over me. Words echoed in my mind, announcing the addition of skills to my status. Bewildered, I felt a sudden fullness, satisfying the perpetual hunger that had plagued me for years.

Before I could comprehend this mysterious occurrence, Roxis rushed to my side, expressing concern for my well-being. Strangely, I heard her voice directly in my head, as if she was speaking to me mentally. Confused, I dismissed it as tension-induced hallucinations.

I opted to let Roxis take credit for thwarting the thieves, fearing the repercussions from my employer Rafal. Grateful for my assistance, Roxis offered a reward, and to my astonishment, she proposed that I join the Heart Family. Overwhelmed with emotion, I accepted her offer, feeling a surge of joy and relief.

As I thanked Roxis and bid her farewell, I couldn’t help but reflect on the twist of fate that had suddenly brightened my prospects. Luck, it seemed, had finally turned in my favor, and the prospect of a new life under Roxis’s protection filled me with hope. Eagerly, I prepared for the next day, when I would embark on a journey towards a brighter future.

Story Impact

  • Fate meets a sword who can speak.
  • Fate can see his skill.
  • Fate can read Roxy’s mind.
  • Roxy offers Fate to work a job in Heart House.
  • Fate discovers Mind Reading skill.


List of characters in order of their appearance :


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