Sung Jinwoo is the main protagonist in Solo Leveling, initially known as an exceptionally weak E-Rank Hunter. His life takes a dramatic turn when he becomes the Player of the System, granting him a unique ability to grow in strength limitlessly. Over time, Jinwoo evolves into humanity’s most formidable hunter and assumes the role of the second Shadow Monarch.


Sung Jinwoo
Sung Jinwoo

Jinwoo is a handsome and muscular young man with gray eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features. His eyes glow bright purple when using his powers. Initially scrawny, he transformed into a formidable figure, often dressed in dark colors, especially black. After battling the Monarchs, he wears a black glove on his left hand, concealing severe scars from the fight with Antares.


Despite being the world’s strongest hunter, Jinwoo remains humble, benevolent, and deeply connected to his family. He has a strong thirst for power and seizes every opportunity to grow stronger. Polite and easygoing in person, he is indifferent to materialistic desires. In battles, however, he becomes ruthless and disdainful, showcasing his strength without mercy.

During his weaker days, Jinwoo was timid and insecure due to his incompetence as a hunter and family troubles. Despite caring deeply for his family, he concealed his shame about his circumstances.


As the vessel of the Shadow Monarch, Jinwoo possesses unparalleled strength and abilities:

  • Immense Strength: Punching holes through structures and defeating powerful opponents effortlessly.
  • Immense Durability: Resilient to physical damage, maintaining full strength even after severe wounds.
  • Immense Speed: Moves at incredible speeds, making it difficult for opponents to track his movements.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Rapidly heals injuries, with accelerated healing during sleep.
  • Accelerated Development: Experiences explosive growth with each battle, becoming the strongest hunter in Asia in a few months.
  • Armor Creation: Generates jet-black armor by concentrating his powers.
  • Stealth: Camouflages with surroundings, becoming physically and magically invisible.
  • Bloodlust: Magically intimidates targets into submission.
  • Quicksilver: Increases speed by 30% for a short burst.
  • Mutilation: Rips targets to shreds with daggers.
  • Dagger Rush: Barrages targets with daggers from all directions.
  • Ruler’s Authority: Moves and controls objects via telekinesis.
  • Dragon’s Fear: Releases a mana-infused shout inducing intense despair and panic in weaker targets.
  • Shadow Extraction: Extracts shadows from enemies’ corpses to add to his army.
  • Shadow Preservation: Preserves shadows in storage and monitors them by perceiving their senses.
  • Shadow Exchange: Uses shadows as portals for instant long-distance travel.
  • Monarch’s Domain: Buffs the strength of active shadows by 50% in battle.

Sung Jinwoo/History

Arc Key Events and Highlights
Early Life Jinwoo faces hardships with the disappearance of his father and his mother falling into a coma. Takes responsibility as the family’s breadwinner, promising to care for his sister Jinah.
D-Rank Dungeon Incident Jinwoo sacrifices himself during a deadly trap in a hidden dungeon, becomes the Player of the System, and survives the ordeal.
Reawakening Discovers miraculous healing and a mysterious program screen. Realizes he has become a Player, takes the System seriously after facing penalties.
Instant Dungeon and Transformation Solo raid in an instant dungeon leads to Jinwoo becoming more handsome, muscular, and masculine due to the System’s magical effects.
Dungeon & Lizards Incident Joins a C-Rank strike squad, uncovers a lizard conspiracy, and slaughters them to fulfill a System quest. Forms an alliance with rookie Yoo Jinho.
Dungeon & Prisoners Arc Eliminates Hwang Dongsuk and his men. Strikes a deal with Jinho to complete 19 raids in exchange for secrecy about his strength and a valuable building.
Job Change and Red Gate Arcs Details pending.
Demon Castle and Retesting Rank Arcs Details pending.
Hunters Guild Gate and Return to Demon Castle Arcs Details pending.
Jeju Island and Recruitment Arcs Details pending.
Ahjin Guild Arc Details pending.
Double Dungeon and Japan Crisis Arcs Details pending.
International Guild Conference and Monarchs War Arcs Details pending.
Final Battle and Epilogue Details pending.

Sung Jinwoo/Relationships


Name Relationship Description
Park Kyung-Hye Mother Loving relationship with Jinwoo. He risked his life to pay for her hospital bills during her coma. Jinwoo became a hunter to find a cure for her Eternal Slumber. After using Holy Water of Life, she woke up in perfect health. Jinwoo decided to look after her, and she supported his hunter career as long as he didn’t push himself too hard.
Sung Il-Hwan Father Coming soon!
Sung Jinah Sister Close sibling relationship. Jinwoo took over as the breadwinner after their mother’s coma. Jinwoo is protective of Jinah, and she cares deeply for him. She yelled at him after he nearly died in the Double Dungeon. Jinwoo is against the idea of her becoming a hunter.
Cha Hae-In Wife Initially one-sided, Cha developed romantic feelings for Jinwoo. Their feelings became mutual, leading to marriage and having a son, Sung Suho. Their relationship grew over time. Jinwoo used the Cup of Reincarnation to reset the timeline and reintroduced himself to her.
Yoo Jinho Brother-In-Law Coming soon!
Sung Suho Son Coming soon!


Name Relationship Description
Lee Joohee Friend Close relationship. Joohee accompanied Jinwoo on raids to ensure his safety. She cared about his well-being and displayed anger when he got injured during a raid. Implied romantic feelings. She retired from being a hunter and moved back to Busan.
Song Chi-Yul Coming soon! Coming soon!
Kim Sangshik Coming soon! Coming soon!
Han Song-Yi Coming soon! Coming soon!
Yoo Soohyun Coming soon! Coming soon!
Baek Yoonho Coming soon! Coming soon!
Choi Jong-In Coming soon! Coming soon!
Go Gunhee Coming soon! Coming soon!
Thomas Andre Coming soon! Coming soon!
Liu Zhigang Coming soon! Coming soon!

Other Characters:

Name Category Description
Esil Radiru Magic Beast Coming soon!
Adam White Human Coming soon!
Ahn Sangmin Human Coming soon!
Yoo Myunghan Human Coming soon!



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