“The Dark Side of the Heart Family” is the fourth chapter of the manga series “Berserk of Gluttony.” It also serves as the fourth chapter of Volume 1.

The Dark Side Of The Heart Family
 Japanese Title ハート家の裏側へ
 Romaji Hato ie no Uragawa e
 Cover Fate Barbatos
Roxy Hart
 Volume 1
 Pages 32
 Date Released Jul 18, 2018
 New Character Haru
 Previous Chapter The Greedy Black Sword
 Next Chapter Devouring


I walked back to the Royal Capital Seyfat on foot, making my way to the Exchange Facility to claim the rewards for the monsters I had defeated. The facility was bustling with unrefined warriors, occasional heated arguments, and disputes over rewards at the reception.

Anticipating potential trouble, I joined the queue and noticed a well-built man ahead of me giving me a disdainful look. It seemed he assumed I was the one assigned to miscellaneous tasks in my imaginary party—a misconception that worked to my advantage. I had collected 38 goblin ears this time, enough to avoid drawing suspicious attention.

When it was my turn at the counter, I placed my sack on it, and goblin ears spilled out. The receptionist remarked on the quantity, suggesting I might have been part of a large party. Playing along, I fabricated details about an imaginary enthusiastic party, all while Greed, the talking sword, found the situation amusing.

After the exchange, I left the facility, relieved that I had avoided unnecessary attention. I learned from the receptionist that hunters typically limited their daily monster exchanges to ten to avoid attracting the monsters’ grudge called Hate. Reflecting on this, I decided to restrain myself to avoid raising suspicions in the future.

Opening the bag revealed a reward of 3 silver coins and 80 copper coins, surpassing the meager savings from my five years of hardship. The newfound wealth triggered a surge of anger towards Rafal’s group, who had labeled me as trash.

As I contemplated the stark contrast between my past and present, my hunger intensified, prompting a desire to eat more. Despite having recently consumed goblins, my stomach growled loudly, urging me to indulge further.

Deciding to use the money for a worthwhile purpose, I headed to a clothing store, where I spent two silver coins on well-tailored clothes. Additionally, I allocated 50 copper coins for a sheath for Greed and another 10 copper coins to clean the sword.

Now adorned in cleaner attire, I felt ready to approach the Holy Knights’ area without giving off a negative impression. Despite Greed’s sarcastic comment about my appearance, I was content with the transformation.

Entering the Holy Knights’ area, I underwent scrutiny and was escorted by two soldiers to meet Roxy. The atmosphere was solemn, and I followed Roxy to what seemed like the mansion’s garden, only to discover a graveyard.

Roxy, in a white dress, explained that her father had passed away three days ago while leading troops in Gallia. The cause of death was not monster-related but rather a mysterious occurrence involving a Heavenly Dragon, an unprecedented event in millennia.

Roxy had succeeded her father as the head of the Heart family, revealing her strength and resilience during challenging times. Feeling a mix of guilt and admiration, I pledged to help grow the Heart family alongside her.

That day marked the beginning of my employment with the Heart family.

Story Impact

  • Fate starts to work for Hart Family.
  • Fate sees Roxy’s father’s grave.
  • Fate learns that Roxy’s father died in Gallia.
  • Fate meets Haru who is a head servant in the Heart family.
  • Fate learns that when his hunger reaches limit, his eyes turn red.


List of characters in order of their appearance :


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