In the anime series “Berserk of Gluttony,” there are five esteemed families, each with its own unique characteristics and role in the story.
Here’s an explanation of these families:
1) Barbatos Family
Barbatos Family is one of the five esteemed Families in Seifort kingdom.
Main Family:
2) Hart Family
Hart Family is one of the five esteemed Families in Seifort kingdom.
Main Family:
- A tea party is routine for the Hart family to have the tea party first after returning home.
3) Vlerick Family
Vlerick Family was one of the five Esteemed Families in Seifort kingdom.
Main Family:
- Rafale Vlerick (Deceased)
- Hado Vlerick (Deceased)
- Memil Vlerick
- Lina Vlerick (Deceased)
4) Lanchester Family
Lanchester Family was one of the five esteemed families in Seifort kingdom.
The family applied a terrible class system that made the people living in the old Lanchester territory suffer. Eris destroyed the entire Lanchester family for that. Now another holy knight has been sent from the Capital to temporarily govern the territory.
Furthermore, The Lanchesters is not on good terms with the Hearts family. Not only they provided little to no supplies when Roxy was heading to Gallia, they also forbade her from entering the city.
Main Family: