Akari Watanabe( 渡辺 星, Watanabe Akari?) is the main womanish promoter of the further Than a wedded Couple, But Not suckers manga and anime series. She’s a Gyaru who becomes Jirō Yakuin’s mate during the marriage practical, an exertion held at their academy to train someone to come more established when they latterly have a marriage mate. Her thing originally was to come a mate of Minami Tenjin in the training by acting as a perfect newlywed with Jirō. still, after spending time with Jirō and getting rejected by Minami, she truly falls in love with Jirō and has made it her precedence to be together with him as a real couple.


Akari is a beautiful teenage girl with midriff- length pink hair tied in binary buns and blue-green eyes. Her nails are manicured and frequently change color/ style throughout the events of the series.

Akari generally wears a academy livery with light blue sleeve shirt with a blue medium arc, a dark blue skirt, brown shoes, and white and blue baggies warmers. Unlike the other girls in her academy, her livery’s sleeves are cut to expose her shoulders. She also wears earrings( generally in the shape of red hearts) and sports a hot pink and grandiloquent scrunchee on her left leg.

Outside of her academy livery, Akari infrequently keeps her hair tied in binary buns, rather concluding to wear it in different styles. While at home, Akari prefers to keep her hair down or tied in a ponytail.


Akari was originally portrayed with a stereotypical gyaru personality; convivial, brash, and confident to a point where she considered herself to be too popular to paired with someone like Jirō. still, this personality was simply a façade and was likely just a strong emotion that Akari was passing after being dissatisfied with her original pairing with Jirō. In reality, Akari is shown to be a kind and friendly girl once someone got to know her.

During the practical, Akari is shown to be a responsible/ caring mate, frequently doing house chores and cooking refections for Jirō. While originally acting like this to get a high score on the practical in order to switch mates, she latterly does this authentically as she sluggishly falls in love with Jirō. Compared with Jirō, Akari is generally the more visionary of the two in terms of housework, frequently doing them without being told. She also appears to be strict, as she’ll scold Jirō if he makes a mess in the living room or ruins her cuisine.

This type of station still, doesn’t apply when it comes to her academic performance. Akari dislikes studying, frequently procrastinates on practice , and prefers to do rest conditioning while leaving her academy liabilities towards the bottom of her list of precedences. still, when she applies herself, she’s suitable to learn the material snappily and indeed outscore Jirō on one of their tests, despite the fact that he was the bone that was training her.

While Akari appears to be substantially kind and compassionate, her tolerance does have limits and she’s prone to getting angry, especially when it comes to Jirō’s shenanigans. She’ll not vacillate to resort to physical violence if circumstances were to escalate similar as when she demurred Jirō in the groin on two separate occasions, although she does latterly show guilt for doing so.

Akari is apprehensive that she’s seductive and isn’t hysterical of using it to her advantage. She’d frequently use her aesthetics combined with sportful touching flirting to tease Jirō to get a response out of him. Despite this, she has been shown to be uncomfortable when her aesthetics attract unwanted attention from guys. Ironically, while she frequently pokes fun at Jirō for being a abecedarian, she doesn’t appear to have important romantic/ sexual experience herself. This is apparent when she assumed that Jirō had a sexual hassle with Shiori in the nanny ‘s office, she came deeply distrait at the study of her mate having an adult experience and” leaving her before.” likewise, she claimed that Jirō is the first and only person she had ever kissed. Akari indeed stated that she isn’t” easy” despite what Jirō and others suppose of her as a gyaru.

Despite being a gyaru, Akari’s holds the idea of true love in high regard. In addition to her lack of promiscuity, Akari has expressed nausea upon learning that the marriage practical encouraged scholars to have as numerous practice mates as possible to which she compared to as having multiple marriages and divorces. When Akari began to harbour passions for Jirō that began to discord with her magnet to Minami, she came worried and disliked the confusion that she was passing. Her pursuit of true love shows that she’ll stop at nothing to get together with the boy that she wants. At first, this was shown with Minami where she’d act as the perfect woman to Jirō despite their original misprision for one another. This is after shown with Jirō where she implements multiple styles to get near to him, similar as wearing a maid costume, allowing him to lie next to her in bed, and asking him out on a date. Akari appears to view kindness and trustability as the most desirable traits that she’d want in a mate.

As a testament to her views on true love, Akari is shown to be the jealous type and sinks into a depressive state when she sees a person she likes is involved with another girl. When she had passions for Minami, she came worried at the study of Minami being paired with a girl that wasn’t her and was bothered when she heard rumours that he didn’t want to switch mates because he was getting near to Shiori. Akari eventually broke down crying when she saw Minami walking with Shiori at the fireworks jubilee despite being told that he’d not be attending due to his job. Akari’s covetousness also extends to Jirō as her passions for him grew stronger. She has visibly shown annoyance when she sees Jirō spending time with Shiori and has indeed quietly prayed him not to talk about other girls when he’s in her room.

Akari gets spooked fluently, occasionally to the point where she needs to calculate on Jirō for emotional support and refuses to be alone without him. She dislikes watching horror pictures and refused to hear to one of Jirõ’s scary stories despite the fact that he did not say anything that was considered scary in the first place. She’s also shown to have arachnophobia( fear of spiders), nyctophobia( fear of the dark), and astraphobia( fear of lightning and thunder).

Akari appears to have a passion for doing nail art, substantiated by the multiple nail colors designs she wears throughout the series. It’s revealed in Chapter 58 that she’s planning to attend a trade academy to come a nail hairstylist. (Read Also: Haruto Zenfis | Am I Actually the Strongest? )


Little is known about Akari’s background previous to the launch of the series. It’s known that she was enrolled in Seishun Academy for a many times and that she has a pet canine back home.

At some point, Akari came musketeers with Sachi and Natsumi to which she has known the ultimate for at least two times. (Read Also: More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers)


Character Relationship with Akari Development in the Story
Jirō Yakuin Initially negative, evolves into love Akari starts off looking down on Jirō, but over time, she realizes his constant support and admits her love for him in Chapter 33.
Minami Tenjin Former love interest, transitions to friendship Akari initially has feelings for Minami but eventually realizes that Jirō has been there for her. She admits to Minami that her feelings have shifted and they remain on good terms.
Sachi Takamiya Friend, supports Akari’s pursuit of love Sachi helps Akari in her pursuit of Minami, and even after Akari’s feelings shift to Jirō, they continue to support her.
Natsumi Ōhashi Friend, supports Akari’s pursuit of love Similar to Sachi, Natsumi supports Akari in her pursuit of Minami and continues to be there for her when her feelings shift.
Shiori Sakurazaka Relationship information not provided Section is empty, and no information about the relationship between Akari and Shiori is available.
Shū Terafune One-sided crush, no reciprocation from Akari Shū has a crush on Akari, but it is unclear whether Akari is aware. Akari appreciates Shū’s kindness but does not have romantic feelings for him.


The name Akari means” star”( 星).

Akari’s surname Watanabe means” conveyance, shoal, ferry, cross, import, deliver, periphery, resettle”( 渡)( wata) and” environs, boundary, border, vicinity”( 辺)( neighborhood).


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