Berserk of Gluttony Episode 2 will air on Thursday on October 12, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. JST. Tokyo MX, SUN TV and BS11. The show will be available for viewing through the online streaming service Crunchyroll.

Hunger Boost
Directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa
Written by Mariko Kunisawa
Original Run October 12, 2023
Season 1
Episode 2
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Berserk of Gluttony Episode 2 Watch now



Fate overcomes the adventurer and discovers it was Hado intending to purchase Sahara, the young girl Sahara the girl who Fate takes back to the orphanage she was raised in. Fate is able to decide whether she wants the position for Roxy. Lord Hart is killed in battle, so his title is transferred to Roxy as the Commander of the Holy Knights, though many are skeptical that she can succeed of the job. Fate starts her working as a servant, with Roxy having an intense interest in him, causing disapproval from the head girl Haru.

Fate’s starvation is back, however the eyes turn red. Greed is now revealing that Gluttony has taken over a soul and craves them continuously and that means Fate must hunt regularly or Gluttony will consume him to death or take him on a trance-like spree. The eyes with red spots are Hunger-Boost, an exclusive ability that makes him a better hunter or killer until Gluttony is satisfied. Fate is able to kill hobgoblins, goblins and even a Goblin King who takes Health-Regeneration, which heals injuries quickly.

In exchange for a portion of his power Greed is also able to level up and can unlock a new look with one that is never missed. Fate anonymously gives the Goblin King’s treasures to the orphanage in order to assist Sahara and her family.



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