Greed (グリード, Gurido?) is the deuteragonist of the light novel series Berserk of Gluttony. Greed is a talking sword who became a companion to Fate.


Greed - Berserk of Gluttony
 Kanji グリード
 Rōmaji Gurido
 Gender  Male
 Age 4000+
 Hair Color Red
Personal Information
 Status Dead
Professional Information
 Partner Fate Graphite
 Web Novel Chapter 4
 Light Novel Volume 1
 Manga Chapter 0
 Japanese Tomokazu Seki


Greed manifests as an aged sword, its blade bearing the signs of time with rust and a greasy sheen. The hilt is distinctive, resembling a cross. Though commonly represented as male in the story, Greed emphasizes its lack of a true gender due to its inanimate nature.

In its most recent male form, it mirrors its previous wielder, possibly just before Fate Graphite. This form features short hair and earrings, adding a touch of personality to the otherwise lifeless exterior.


Originally a human and a first-generation mortal sin user, Greed has been a constant companion to Fate since the beginning of his adventure. Displaying an unwavering confidence, Greed serves as a guide to Fate during battles, offering tips on utilizing its various forms. Despite being helpful, Greed balances this with a penchant for making playful jests at Fate’s expense. The dynamic between the two reflects a long-standing partnership marked by camaraderie and occasional banter.


Greed’s introduction into the narrative occurred when Fate sought a weapon for protection, scouring a blacksmith’s shop with only a handful of coins. Discovered in a barrel of neglected and inexpensive weapons, Greed was covered in dust and oil, an overlooked relic waiting to be rediscovered.


As a magical intellectual sword, Greed possesses the unique ability to change forms, each imbued with distinct effects and attributes. Unlocking these forms requires the consumption of a percentage of Status points, with exponentially increasing requirements for subsequent forms and the utilization of ultimate attacks. Beyond its magical capabilities, Greed’s inherent sharpness requires minimal maintenance, a testament to its enduring quality.


Greed’s adaptability in battle is enhanced by its transformative abilities, offering a range of forms with diverse effects. To unlock these, wielders must invest Status points, with escalating costs as more potent forms are accessed. Greed’s sharpness is exceptional, demanding little maintenance. As a seasoned fighter with over 4000 years of experience, Greed becomes an invaluable source of advice, particularly for wielders with Mind Reading or similar communication skills. This extensive experience also provides strategic insights, though Greed selectively shares information regarding its enigmatic past.

First Form – Bow:

When transformed into a bow, Greed enables Fate to shoot energy-based arrows with the added capability of homing in on specific targets. As Fate explores this form further, he discovers the ability to imbue magical spells with homing functions, broadening the range of strategic possibilities. The ultimate technique, “Bloody Ptarmigan,” unleashes a potent, laser-like arrow with heightened strength, making it a formidable force on the battlefield.

Second Form – Scythe:

In its scythe form, Greed grants Fate the power to interact with non-physical entities, allowing him to harm and disrupt magical spells and constructs. The ultimate technique, “Deadly Inferno,” demands a sacrifice of 20% of the user’s stats but rewards with a cursed blade capable of rotting away the target’s body. Precision is paramount, as a misplaced strike can result in the loss of stats without achieving the intended effect.

Third Form – Shield:

Transforming into a shield, Greed’s ultimate technique, “Reflection Fortress,” provides a formidable defense by reflecting back attacks with double the original power. This defensive capability enhances Fate’s survivability and turns the tide in battles against powerful adversaries.

Fourth Form – Staff:

As a staff, Greed’s ultimate technique, “Twilight Healing,” involves a significant sacrifice of 40% of the user’s stats. This form unlocks the ability to heal wounds and diseases, albeit with limitations. It cannot resurrect the deceased, and the stat cost increases with the severity of the target’s injuries, making it a powerful yet costly tool for recovery.

Fifth Form – Gauntlets:

Transforming into gauntlets, Greed empowers Fate to control up to 10 black threads, one for each finger. These threads can bind and grab objects or individuals. The ultimate technique, “Dimension Destruction,” endows the threads with the ability to cut through space itself, demonstrating unparalleled cutting power capable of reducing anything in their path to dust with surgical precision.

Greed’s diverse forms and their respective ultimate techniques add layers to Fate’s combat arsenal, demanding strategic thinking and resource management in the face of formidable challenges.


Fate Barbatos:

Fate Barbatos is the main wielder of Greed, chosen by the sentient sword to be its partner. Their bond is marked by a unique dynamic, with Greed serving as both a guide and a source of occasional jest. Despite Greed’s tendency to make fun of Fate, their partnership is rooted in a deep connection forged through countless battles and shared experiences.


Greed, in its first generation as Myne, shares a storied history with Fate, dating back 4000 years. This longstanding acquaintance implies a connection that spans numerous adventures and challenges. The shared past between Myne and Greed adds layers to their relationship, influencing their interactions and understanding of each other.


Luna is another figure from Greed’s past, with the sword having known her for the same 4000-year period. This shared history with Luna suggests that Greed has been witness to and participant in events that transcend time. The details of their past interactions may hold secrets and revelations that unfold as the story progresses, adding a layer of mystery to Luna’s connection with Greed.

In the intricate tapestry of Fate Barbatos’s journey, Greed’s relationships with both Myne and Luna contribute to the complexity of the narrative. The shared experiences and ancient connections hint at a deeper significance, waiting to be unraveled as the characters navigate the challenges ahead.


  • Greed is the second most powerful ability of the Deadly Sins.

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