The TV anime “Moon Guided Journey to Another World: Invasion of the Giant Beast,” the second act, twelfth night, is set to premiere on TOKYO MX and other channels starting March 25th, airing across two consecutive seasons.

In this episode, we find Highland Oak, a researcher delving into subspace development, under attack by a wolf and a bear in the northern forest. Upon hearing the distressing news, Makoto ventures into the forest in an attempt to broker peace between the two warring factions.

However, upon encountering the bear, he is met with hostility and suspicion instead. Meanwhile, at Lottsgard Central Academy, Jin-Roan and his friends plot revenge against the Aryu, who failed to aid them in a previous encounter. As tensions escalate both in the forest and among the students, the stage is set for a gripping showdown between rival factions.

Official Website:  TV anime “The journey to another world led by the moon”

(C) Kei Azumi/Alphapolis/The journey to another world led by the moon Production Committee


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